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  • Approval Tests for C++ - Native ApprovalTests for C++ on Linux, Mac and Windows.
  • autocheck - QuickCheck and SmallCheck clones for C++.
  • Bandit - A header-only framework for C++11 that wants to make working with unit tests a pleasant experience.
  • Boost.Test - Boost testing framework.
  • Catch 🔥 - A modern, C++-native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD.
  • doctest 🚀 - The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework for unit tests and TDD.
  • Fakeit - C++ mocking made easy. A simple yet very expressive, headers only library for c++ mocking.
  • Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework.
  • Mull - Practical mutation testing tool for C and C++
  • rapidcheck - QuickCheck clone for C++.


Libraries and frameworks for creating micro-benchmarks.

  • Celero - C++ Benchmark Authoring Library/Framework.
  • Google Benchmark 🌟 - A microbenchmark support library.
  • hayai - the C++ benchmarking framework.
  • Nonius - A C++ micro-benchmarking framework. C++ Benchmark Authoring Library/Framework.


  • American fuzzy lop - American fuzzy lop is a security-oriented fuzzer.
  • hongfuzz - A security oriented, feedback-driven, evolutionary, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options.
  • libFuzzer - A library for coverage-guided fuzz testing.