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  • 类 Classes
  • 接口 Interfaces
  • 模块 Modules
  • 类型注解 Type annotations
  • 编译时类型检查 Compile time type checking
  • Arrow 函数 (类似 C# 的 Lambda 表达式)


$ npm install -g typescript # 安装
$ tsc filename.ts # 编译

默认情况下编译器以ECMAScript 3(ES3)为目标但ES5也是受支持的一个选项。


function Add(left: number, right: number): number {
    return left + right;

对于基本类型的注解是number, bool和string。而弱或动态类型的结构则是any类型。


举个 🌰

function area(shape: string, width: number, height: number) {
    var area = width * height;
    return "I'm a " + shape + " with an area of " + area + " cm squared.";

document.body.innerHTML = area("rectangle", 30, 15);


举个 🌰

interface Shape {
    name: string;
    width: number;
    height: number;
    color?: string;

function area(shape : Shape) {
    var area = shape.width * shape.height;
    return "I'm " + + " with area " + area + " cm squared";

console.log( area( {name: "rectangle", width: 30, height: 15} ) );
console.log( area( {name: "square", width: 30, height: 30, color: "blue"} ) );

举个 🌰

class Shape {

    area: number;
    private color: string;

    constructor ( name: string, width: number, height: number ) {
        this.area = width * height;
        this.color = "pink";

    shoutout() {
        return "I'm " + this.color + " " + +  " with an area of " + this.area + " cm squared.";

var square = new Shape("square", 30, 30);

console.log( square.shoutout() );
console.log( 'Area of Shape: ' + square.area );
console.log( 'Color of Shape: ' + square.color );

还可以添加 public 和 private 访问修饰符。public 成员可以在任何地方访问, private 成员只允许在类中访问。

extends 继承

举个 🌰,这里的 Shape3D 类继承上文中的 Shape 类

class Shape3D extends Shape {

    volume: number;

    constructor ( public name: string, width: number, height: number, length: number ) {
        super( name, width, height );
        this.volume = length * this.area;

    shoutout() {
        return "I'm " + +  " with a volume of " + this.volume + " cm cube.";

    superShout() {
        return super.shoutout();

var cube = new Shape3D("cube", 30, 30, 30);
console.log( cube.shoutout() );
console.log( cube.superShout() );