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Crate std

可在 查找要用的 crate.

Rust 新特性 Change Log

从 Rust 1.58 Stable 开始可以使用字符串插值。

从 Rust 1.62 Stable 开始可以使用 cargo add 命令。

从 Rust 1.65 Stable 开始可以使用 GAT。

从 Rust 1.66 Stable 开始可以使用 cargo remove 命令。

async-std: Async version of the Rust standard library. (crate doc)

Debugging macro code


To see the results of expanding macros, run rustc --pretty expanded.


Rust 1.0 于 2015 年 5 月 15 日。

Announcing Rust 1.0

Github 版本历史


Unused variable raise warning. If that is intentional, prefix the variable name with an underscore _ .

let 和 mut

使用 let 声明的变量默认不可二次赋值。

let x = 1;
x = 2;   // compile error


error[E0384]: cannot assign twice to immutable variable `x`
 --> src\
4 |     let x = 1;
  |         -
  |         |
  |         first assignment to `x`
  |         help: consider making this binding mutable: `mut x`
5 |     x = 2;
  |     ^^^^^ cannot assign twice to immutable variable

使用 mut 声明可二次赋值的变量

let mut x = 1;
println!("The value of x is: {}", x);
x = 2;
println!("The value of x is: {}", x);


The value of x is: 1
The value of x is: 2


Declare a new variable with the same name as a previous variable. Shadow a variable by using the same variable’s name and repeating the use of the let keyword as follows:

let y = true;
println!("The value of y is: {}", y);
let y = false; // Shadow previous y
println!("The value of y is: {}", y);


使用 const 声明常量,并且必须带有类型标注。

const STRING: &str = "hello";
println!("The value of the string constant is: {}", STRING);


The value of the string constant is: hello

Scalar Data Type


Rust defaults to type i32 .

Length Signed Unsigned
8 bit i8 u8
16 bit i16 u16
32 bit i32 u32
64 bit i64 u64
128 bit i128 u128
arch isize usize


f32 and f64 .

Default type is f64 .


Have a value of either true or false .

Specified using the keyword bool .


  • Represent letters.

  • Specified using the keyword char .

  • Use single quotes.

  • Four bytes in size.

Compound Data Type


  • Continuous group of items

  • Fixed length

  • Length known at compile time

  • 元素具有相同类型

let array = [1, 2, 3];
let array: [u32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];

Access items by index

let first_item = array[0];

Index out-of-bounds:



let will_warn = array[100];  // warns by compiler


let len = "Some text".len();
[1][len]; // compile success without warning, panic at runtime


  • Continuous group of items

  • Fixed length

  • Length known at compile time

  • 元素可以具有不同类型

let tuple = (true, 2, 3);
let tuple: (bool, u16, u8) = (true, 2, 3);

Empty tuple called "unit"

Access item:

let first_item = tuple.0;
let error = tuple.100; // error of out-of-bounds


  • Argument types always required.
  • Return type required if value returned. Otherwise, return type is unit.
fn main() {
    let c = last_char(String::from("Hello"));
    println!("{}", c);  // print 'o'

fn last_char(string: String) -> char {
    if string.is_empty() {
        return 'a'


A type that's composed of other types

Can contain different types

Three flavors of struct:

  • Classic struct: Most commonly used. Each field has a name and a type.
  • Tuple stuct: Similar to classic structs. Their fields have no names.
  • Unit struct: Have no fields. Similar to the () unit type.

Define a struct: Use the keyword struct followed by the name of the struct.

Classic Struct

struct Car {
    make: String,
    model: String,
    year: u32,

Create an instance of the struct by supplying key:value pairs.

let car = Car {
    make: String::from("Ford"),
    model: String::from("Mustang"),
    year: 1967,

Can get specific values using dot notation.

println!("The car is make in {}", car.year);

Tuple Struct

struct Point2D(u32, u32);

Create an instance:

let origin = Point2D(100, 200);

Get value as how tuple do:

println!("Point contains {:?} and {:?}", origin.0, origin.1);
// Point contains 100 and 200

Destructuring assignment:

let Point2D(x, y) = origin;
println!("Point contains {:?} and {:?}", x, y);
// Point contains 100 and 200


List all variations of some data.

Referred to as algebraic data types.

Define an enum:

  1. Use the keyword enum followed by the name.
  2. Then list all variations.
  3. The variants can also specify their type. Each variant can have a different type.
enum CardinalDirections {
fn main() {
    let north = CardinalDirections::North;
enum CardinalDirections {
fn main() {
    let west = CardinalDirections::West(String::from("West"));

The enum is a custom data type that can be used in code.

More example:

enum WebEvent {
    Click { x: i64, y: i64 },

fn main() {
    let quit = WebEvent::KeyPress('q');

The Option enum

enum Option<T> {
let something = Some(1);
// 在以下代码中
// 隐式地使用了 Option 进行错误处理
// fruits.get() 的定义为
// pub fun get<I>(&self, index: I) -> Option<&I::Output>
fn main() {
    let fruits = vec!["banana", "apple", "coconut"];
    let first = fruits.get(0);
    println!("{:?}", first);

    let third = fruits.get(2);
    println!("{:?}", third);

    let non_existent = fruits.get(99);
    println!("{:?}", non_existent);
// Some("banana")
// Some("coconut")
// None

The Result enum

Used for input/output operations

  • Parsing strings
  • File access
  • Data validation
enum Result<T, E> {
// 在以下代码中
// 隐式地使用了 Result 进行错误处理
use std::fs::File;
fn main() {
    let f = File::open("hello.txt");
    let f = match f {
        Ok(file) => file,
        Err(error) => panic!("Can't open the file: {:?}", error),
// thread 'main' panicked at 'Can't open the file: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src\


unwrap() and expect() are helper methods of the Result type.

unwrap() returns the value inside the Ok variant. Returns a panic! macro for the Err variant.

  • If an Option type has Some value or a Result type has a Ok value, the value inside them passes to the next step.
  • If the Option type has None value or the Result type has Err value, program panics; If Err, panics with the error message.
use std::fs::File;
fn main() {
    let f = File::open("hello.txt").unwrap();

expect returns a value or called the panic! macro with a detailed error message. Similar to unwrap() but can set a custom message for the panics.

use std::fs::File;
fn main() {
    let f = File::open("hello.txt").expect("Failed to open hello.txt.");

The ? operator

for Result type:

  1. Unwraps the value if Ok variant
  2. Returns an error if Err variant

for Option type:

  1. Returns a value is with the Some variant
  2. Returns nothing for the None variant

if 和 else if 和 else

ifelse ifelse block can return value, acting as expressions.

let formal = true;
let greeting = if formal {
    String::from("Good evening")
} else {
    String::from("Hey, friend!")
println!("{}", greeting);  // Good evening


keyword match

a scrutinee expression is provided to compare to the patterns.

Arms are evaluated and compared with the scrutinee expression.

match can return any type, acting as expressions.

let boolean = true;
let binary = match boolean {
    false => 0,
    true => 1,
println!("{}", binary);  // 1


Used to execute over a block of code forever. Or until it is stopped, or the program quits.

loop {
    println!("I loop forever");

We can use keyword break to stop the loop:

let mut i = 0;
loop {
    println!("I love loop {} !", i);
    i += 1;
    if i > 2 {
// I love loop 0 !
// I love loop 1 !
// I love loop 2 !

we can return value when we use break

let mut i = 1;
let something = loop {
    i *= 2;
    if i > 100 {
        break i;
assert_eq!(something, 128);
println!("The value of something is: {}", something);
// The value of somethin is: 128


let mut number = 3;
while number != 0 {
    println!("{}", number);
    number -= 1;
// 3
// 2
// 1


Iterate over elements in a collection.

With each pass of the for loop, values are extracted from an iterator.

let a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
for element in a.iter() {
    println!("The value is: {}", element);
// The value is: 10
// The value is: 20
// The value is: 30
// The value is: 40
// The value is: 50
for item in 0..5 {
    println!("{}", item * 2);
// 0
// 2
// 4
// 6
// 8


Simplest way to handle errors.

division by zeroindex-out-of-bound raise raise panic.

fn main() {
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
    println!("{}", v[6]);
// 'main' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 3 but the index is 6


Each value has a variable that is called its owner. There can only be one owner at a time. When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped.

Definition of variable's scope: Range within a program for which that variable and the value are valid.

ownership prevents memory safety issues:

  • Dangling pointer (including Use-After-Free)
  • Double-free
  • Memory leaks

Memory Stack

Stores data with a known, fixed size.

// An i32 has a known, fixed size at compile time.
// Will take up 32 bits of memory.
// Both the variable and the value of
// the variable would be stored on the stack.
let a: i32 = 5;

Memory Heap

// Vector is mutable
// Vector size can change when the program is running.
// Vector object stored on stack with pointer to heap.
// Value of vector is stored on heap.
let mut vec1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
println!("{:?}", vec1);  // [1, 2, 3, 4]
drop(vec1);  // Both the data on the stack and the heap would no longer be accessible. 

Ownership of String

// This String is mutable
// A String stores data on both the stack and the heap
// String object stored on stack with pointer to heap
let mut say1 = String::from("Ca");
println!("{}", say1);  // Cat
let say2 = say1;  // move the ownership to say2
// say1 is no longer available.
fn main() {
    let mut say = String::from("Ca");
    print_out(say);  // variable say has been moved.
    // variable say is now invalid.
    println!("{}", say);  // use after moved, raise error

fn print_out(to_print: String) {
    println!("{}", to_print);


It would copy the value in the heap. Really deep copy an instance, rather than moving its ownership.

let say = String::from("Cat");
let say2 = say.clone();
// Both say and say2 are now available.
drop(say);  // Invalidate the variable say
// Now say is no longer available.
println!("{}", say2);  // Cat
fn main() {
    let mut say = String::from("Ca");
    print_out(say.clone());  // Cat
    println!("{}", say);  // Cat

fn print_out(to_print: String) {
    println!("{}", to_print);


Putting an & in front of a variable to borrow it.

It does not transfer ownership, nor does it make a new copy of the value on the heap.

Rules of borrowing

1.At any given time, you can have either:

  • One mutable reference, or
  • Any number of immutable references.

2.References must always be valid.


let say1 = String::from("Cat");
let say2 = &say1;
println!("{}", say1);
drop(say1);  // move out of `say1` occurs here
println!("{}", say2);  // borrow later used here


error[E0505]: cannot move out of `say1` because it is borrowed

immutable borrowing

fn main() {
    let mut say = String::from("Ca");
    print_out(&say);  // Cat
    println!("{}", say);  // Cat

fn print_out(to_print: &String) {
    println!("{}", to_print);

mutable borrowing

fn main() {
    let mut my_vec=  vec![1, 2, 3];
    println!("{:?}", my_vec);  // [1, 2, 3]
    add_to_vec(&mut my_vec);
    println!("{:?}", my_vec);  // [1, 2, 3]

fn add_to_vec(a_vec: &mut Vec<i32>) {


  • UTF-8 Encoded: Rust string type is always valid UTF-8.

  • Non-Null-Byte Terminated: Rust string is not null byte terminated.

  • Not collections of chars: Rust string is not simply collections of character values.

String &str
CString CStr
OsString &OsStr
fn main() {
    let text = "Hello\nworld\n!";
    let upper = text.to_uppercase();
    let stripped = upper.strip_prefix("HELLO\n").unwrap();
    println!("{}", first_line(stripped));

pub fn first_line(string: &str) -> &str {



The String type

  • An owned string
  • Owns string data
  • Data freed when dropped or out of scope

String memory consists of three parts

  • Length
  • Capacity
  • Data pointer
fn string_len(s: String) -> usize {
    return s.len();
let s = String::from("Hi\nBye");

The &str type

  • A borrowed string slice
  • Does not own string data
  • Data not freed when dropped

&str memory consists of two parts

  • Length
  • Data pointer
fn string_len(s: &str) -> usize {
    return s.len;
let s = String::from("Hi\nBye");
let l = s.lines().next().unwrap();
// When we have L,
// We won't be able to change the 
// data S owns.
// L is an immutable view into data S owns.

string literal is embedded into the binary, have type &str.

备忘:use to_own() method to convert &str into String

pub fn first_line(string: String) -> String {
    return string.lines().next().unwrap().to_owned();




Vec<T> memory consists of three parts

  • Length
  • Capacity
  • Data pointer
let v = vec![1u8, 2, 3];

如果使用 v[index] 来访问其中的元素,当 index 越界时,程序崩溃。

如果使用 v.get(index) 来访问其中的元素,它返回 Option type,当 index 越界时,返回 Option::None


fn main() {
    let mut students = vec![ Student {
    students.push(Student {
        name: "Lisa".to_string(),
    assert!(&students[0] == &Student { name: "Ryan".to_string() });
    assert!(students.get(0) == Some(&Student { name: "Ryan".to_string() }));
    assert!(students.get(10000) == None);
    for student in students.iter() {
        println!("Student name: {}",;

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Student {
    name: String


let mut v = vec![100, 32, 57];
for i in &mut v {
    *i += 50;

HashMap<K, V>

fn main() {
    let mut students = vec![ Student {
    students.push(Student {
        name: "Lisa".to_string(),
    for student in students.iter() {
        println!("Student name: {}",;

    use std::collections::HashMap;
    let mut enrollment = HashMap::new();
    enrollment.insert("biology".to_string(), students);
    let bio_students = enrollment.get("biology");
    let students = enrollment.remove("biology");

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Student {
    name: String





Written as &[T]

Slice are references, items live continuously memory, refer to data owned by another value.

let v = vec![1u8, 2, 3];
let s = &v[0..2];

&[T] memory consists of two parts

  • Length
  • Data pointer


Rust 面向对象编程:把 Data 定义在 enum type 或者 struct type, 把 Behavior 定义在 trait .

trait 中声明方法,然后再分别为不同的数据类型实现这个 trait .

trait 中定义的方法可以有默认实现。

可以通过 where 简化 trait bound,以避免使用泛型时函数签名难以阅读。

fn some_function<T: Display + Clone, U: Clone + Debug>(t: T, u: U) -> i32 {

可以用 where 简化为

fn some_function<T, U>(t: T, u: U) -> i32
    where T: Display + Clone,
          U: Clone + Debug


The unimplemented! macro can be used when you’re trying to get your functions to typecheck, and don’t want to worry about writing out the body of the function. One example of this situation is implementing a trait with multiple required methods, where you want to tackle one at a time. Define the others as unimplemented! until you’re ready to write them.


pub struct Person {
    name: String

pub struct Cat {
    name: String

pub struct Rabbit {
    name: String

pub trait Eat {
    fn eat_dinner(&self) {
        println!("I eat from a dish.")

impl Eat for Person {
    fn eat_dinner(&self) {
        println!("I eat from a plate.")

impl Eat for Cat {
    fn eat_dinner(&self) {
        println!("I eat from a cat bowl.")

impl Eat for Rabbit {}

fn main() {
    let person = Person {
        name: String::from("Nell")

    let cat = Cat {
        name: String::from("Zane")

    let rabbit = Rabbit {
        name: String::from("Leia")


I eat from a plate.
I eat from a cat bowl.
I eat from a dish.


struct Film {
    title: String,
    director: String,
    studio: String

struct Book {
    title: String,
    author: String,
    publisher: String

trait Catalog {
    fn describe(&self) {
        println!("We need more information about this type of media");

impl Catalog for Film {
    fn describe(&self) {
            "{} was directed by {} through {} studios",

impl Catalog for Book {
    fn describe(&self) {
            "{} was written by {} and published by {}",

struct Album {
    title: String,
    artist: String,
    label: String

impl Catalog for Album {}

fn main() {
    let capt_marvel = Film {
        title: String::from("Captain Marvel"),
        director: String::from("Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck"),
        studio: String::from("Marvel")

    let elantris = Book {
        title: String::from("Elantris"),
        author: String::from("Brandon Sanderson"),
        publisher: String::from("Tor Books")

    let let_it_be = Album {
        title: String::from("Let it be"),
        artist: String::from("Beatles"),
        label: String::from("Apple")


Captain Marvel was directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck through Marvel studios
Elantris was written by Brandon Sanderson and published by Tor Books
We need more information about this type of media

crate 和 module

练手代码可参考 这里

  • Packages: A Cargo feature that lets you build, test, and share crates
  • Crates: A tree of modules that produces a library or executable
  • Modules and use: Let you control the organization, scope, and privacy of paths
  • Paths: A way of naming an item, such as a struct, function, or module



当在 struct 前标注 pub,这个 struct 内的字段依然是 private 的,还要单独对需要公开的字段标注 pub。

当在 enum 前标注 pub,这个 enum 内的字段全部也为 pub。


使用 use 引入 crate

可以使用 pub use 重导出名称。(我对此仍不完全理解。)

可以嵌套路径来消除大量的 use

// use std::cmp::Ordering;
// use std::io;
use std::{cmp::Ordering, io};
// use std::io;
// use std::io::Write;
use std::io::{self, Write};

如果希望将一个路径下 所有 公有项引入作用域,可以指定路径后跟 *,glob 运算符:

use std::collections::*;

Using External Packages

可在 查找要用的 crate.

To use rand in our project, we added this line to Cargo.toml:

rand = "0.8.3"

Then we can use rand crate in src/

use rand::Rng;

fn main() {
    let secret_number = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1..101);