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Package strconv implements conversions to and from string representations of basic data types.

包 strconv 实现与基本数据类型的字符串表示的转换。

i1, err := strconv.Atoi("-42")

// Itoa (int to string)
s := strconv.Itoa(-42)

// convert strings to values
b, err := strconv.ParseBool("true")
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat("3.1415", 64)
i, err := strconv.ParseInt("-42", 10, 64)
u, err := strconv.ParseUint("42", 10, 64)

    // convert values to strings
s1 := strconv.FormatBool(true)
s2 := strconv.FormatFloat(3.1415, 'E', -1, 64)
s3 := strconv.FormatInt(-42, 16)
s4 := strconv.FormatUint(42, 16)

String Conversions

Quote and QuoteToASCII convert strings to quoted Go string literals. The latter guarantees that the result is an ASCII string, by escaping any non-ASCII Unicode with \u:

q := strconv.Quote("Hello, 世界")
q := strconv.QuoteToASCII("Hello, 世界")

QuoteRune and QuoteRuneToASCII are similar but accept runes and return quoted Go rune literals.

Unquote and UnquoteChar unquote Go string and rune literals.


package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

func (this Person) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %d", this.Name, this.Age)

type ByAge []Person

func (a ByAge) Len() int {
    return len(a)

func (a ByAge) Swap(i, j int) {
    a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]

func (a ByAge) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return a[i].Age < a[j].Age

func main() {
    people := []Person{
        {"Bob", 31},
        {"John", 42},
        {"Michael", 17},
        {"Jenny", 26},


    // 第一种写法 <

    // 第二种写法 >
    sort.Slice(people, func(i, j int) bool {
        return people[i].Age > people[j].Age


Package heap provides heap operations for any type that implements heap.Interface.


Package list implements a doubly linked list.


Package ring implements operations on circular lists.


Package strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.


Package bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices.


Package builtin provides documentation for Go's predeclared identifiers.


Package bufio implements buffered I/O. It wraps an io.Reader or io.Writer object, creating another object (Reader or Writer) that also implements the interface but provides buffering and some help for textual I/O.


Package io/fs defines basic interfaces to a file system.

Package io/ioutil implements some I/O utility functions.


Go 可以使用 fmt.Sprintf 来格式化字符串,fmt.Sprintf(格式化样式, 参数列表…),格式化样式如下: %v 按值的本来值输出

%+v  在 %v 基础上,对结构体字段名和值进行展开

%#v  输出 Go 语言语法格式的值

%T   输出 Go 语言语法格式的类型和值

%%   输出 % 本体

%b   整型以二进制方式显示

%o   整型以八进制方式显示

%d   整型以十进制方式显示

%x   整型以十六进制方式显示

%X   整型以十六进制、字母大写方式显示

%U   Unicode 字符

%f   浮点数

%p   指针,十六进制方式显示