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Managing the file system

Old style

All the common operations are built into Python Static or classless os.path

Python 3.6 or higher

Class based Path from pathlib library

Better performance as it can avoid calls to the OS

Working with paths

# Python 3.6 or higher
# Grab the library
from pathlib import Path

# Where am I?
cwd = Path.cwd()

# Combine parts to create full path and file name
new_file = Path.joinpath(cwd, 'new_file.txt')

# Does this exist?

Working with directories

from pathlib import Path
cwd = Path.cwd()

# Get the parent directory
parent = cwd.parent

# Is this a directory
print(str(parent.is_dir())) # True

# Is this a file?
print(str(parent.is_file())) # False

# List child directories
for child in parent.iterdir():
    if child.is_dir():
        print(str(child)) # 打印当前目录的子文件夹

Working with files

from pathlib import Path
cwd = Path.cwd()
demo_file = Path(Path.joinpath(cwd, 'demo.txt'))

# Get the file name

# Get the extension

# Get the folder

# Get the size

Opening a file

stream = open(file_name, mode, buffer_size)


  • r - Read(default)

  • w - Truncate and write

  • a - Append if file exists
  • x - Write, fail if file exists
  • + - Updating (read/write)
  • t - Text(default)
  • b - Binary

Reading from a file

stream = open('demo.txt')

print(stream.readable()) # Can we read?
print( # Read the first character
print(stream.readline()) # Read a line

stream.close() # close the stream

Write to a file

stream = open('output.txt', 'wt') # write text

stream.write('H') # write a single string
stream.writelines(['ello', ',', 'world']) # write multiple strings
stream.write('\n') # Write a new line

stream.close() # close the stream (and flush data)

Managing the stream

stream = open('output.txt', 'wt')
stream.write('demo!') # Put the cursor back at the start
stream.flush() # Write the data to file
stream.close() # Flush and close the stream